Visit of Director General ICIMOD to PCRWR on 31st January, 2024
Dr. Pema Gyamtsho Director General, “International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development” (ICIMOD) with his team of Technical experts visited PCRWR headquarter Islamabad on 31st January 2024. Dr. Hifza Rasheed, Director General (Water Quality) gave a presentation on PCRWR research & development, innovations, and capacity building initiatives. The DG ICIMOD really appreciated the research and innovations of PCRWR, and showed keen interest in mutual collaboration of both organizations to work on Disaster Risk Reduction, River Basin Management, Sustainable human settlements in mountains, Climate change impacts for the ICIMOD’s Medium-term Action Plan Strategy 2030. Following the meeting, Dr. Prema and his team were given the demonstration of PCRWR water conservation and treatment models installed/developed at the PCRWR premises such as Ground Water Recharge, Rain Water Harvesting system, Hydra Ram Pump, Hand operated Flood water treatment unit, Constructed Wetlands for wastewater treatment.