Managing Cryosphere and Water Risks in Pakistan July 04, 2023

consultative workshop on “Managing Cryosphere and Water Risks in Pakistan” at Islamabad, July 4, 2023

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in collaboration with the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) organized a consultative workshop on “Managing Cryosphere and Water Risks in Pakistan” at Islamabad. Dr. Muhmmad Ashraf, Chairman (PCRWR) and Mr. Muhammad Ismail, Country Manager (ICIMOD) warmly welcomed all the distinguished guests. Mr. Muhammad Ismail highlighted the efforts being carried out by (ICIMOD) in managing the water risks associated with the cryosphere in the HKH region. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf in his opening remarks referred to the Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH) region as a “Mother Well” due to the fact that the majority of regional water resources are being generated from (HKH). He emphasized on establishing linkages between upstream and downstream water users in order to protect, conserve the cryosphere in an efficient and sustainable manner. Experts from various national organizations as well as from regional member countries participated in the workshop. The experts presented on-going interventions, activities, and shared research-based knowledge on the integrated topics i.e., melting of glaciers, health of shared river basins & ecosystems, surface and groundwater hydrology, transboundary issues, pollution, disaster risk reduction, preparedness and climate resilience. The workshop concluded with the aim to enhance coordination among the regional member countries as well as the Upper Indus Basin Network for sustainably managing the risks to the cryosphere in the HKH region.